HOPE Inc. Australia’s You Tube channel    Please find HOPE You Tube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@HOPEINCFILMS-oh9rg/featured View our HOPE Australia Films Channel at : HOPEAUSTRALIAFILMS – YouTube

“Eco-Social Work in Australia” (ESWA) Podcast series Social work practice in Australia offers an example of such a professional transition, as physical environmental concerns over climate disruption and environmental justice

  Helpful Hints: The Pursuit of Sustainable Mining in Australia (Must-Read) Helpful resources on understanding the impacts of mining, forms of ethically sound mining practices, and the role of innovation

envNGO Networks List The following lists contain information about environment/conservation, animal welfare, landcare/Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations operating in Australia. For information on groups in your area visit your council’s

Preamble: The following booklets, brochures, feature articles and information sheets have been developed/written by HOPE members and volunteers. Please share these publications with your networks. Older material has been archived